300ml/½ pint strawberry puree
3 gelatine leaves
Chocolate mousse
200g/7oz cream cheese
180g/6oz white chocolate
50ml/2 fl oz stock syrup
500ml/¾ pint double cream
1½ gelatine leaves
300g/11oz crushed shortbread biscuits
100g/4oz popping candy
Jelly Soften 3 gelatine leaves. Warm puree and stir in gelatine until dissolved. Pour into glasses. Set in fridge.
Mousse Soften gelatine, whisk cream cheese, boil stock syrup and dissolve softened gelatine into it. Pour onto white chocolate, add to the cream cheese and continue to whisk. Whisk cream into soft peaks, carefully fold into cream cheese and chocolate mix. Pour onto set jelly.
When the mousse is set, sprinkle on the biscuits and popping candy.
Recipe by Simon Walsh