This month we ask five fab foodies – What is your go-to supper dish?
Mo O’Toole
Carruthers & Kent
Stuffed aubergine, because it reminds me of holidays in Turkey and sunshine. During lockdown, I made it a couple of times a week. My favourite fillings are mixed veg with oregano, mint, rosemary and a rich tomato sauce, or mince spiced up with rose harissa, rice and plenty of parmesan on top.
Kate Hudson
Baristocracy Coffee
We ate loads of Asian food when we lived in Sydney, and I love to make it at home whenever I get the chance. My go-to dish is boiled rice with green veg topped with a fried egg, Sriracha, soy sauce and kimchi. It’s quick and simple, and brings together all of the flavours I miss from our time in Australia.
Nicky Rogerson
KG Photography
I’d go for homemade pasta, which is made by my son Lucas and always ready to go in the freezer. From there, it depends what’s to hand. There are always chillies and peas around, and I might add some sun-dried tomatoes or olives. I always finish it off with a generous helping of grated parmesan cheese. If I’m lucky, there might be a nice glass of Malbec too!
Bob Arora
When you cook for a living, the simple things are the best, so I would go for a chip butty with triple-cooked chips. Cook them on a low heat first then crank up the oil to high until cooked. Take them out, let them cool and then reheat. Serve with Lurpak butter on fresh bread with salt and vinegar.
Jeff Roland
Artisan Bacon Co
I’ve really enjoyed cooking Malaysian, Indonesian and Burmese dishes since travelling in South East Asia and the Far East a few years ago. Ayam Percik – a grilled chicken dish with lemongrass, turmeric and coconut sauce from Malaysia – is an old favourite which I enjoy going back to.