Vallum Kitchen Garden is awash with colour It’s been a long time since I shared news from Vallum Kitchen Garden with...
Wet spell has not stopped the gardening Despite the mixed weather (we’re squelching around in our wellies with the sun...
Enjoying the fruits of our labour In the few spare minutes we get at this time of year it’s great to sit back and look at Vallum Kitchen Garden in its full glory. We’re right in the middle of the season as I write, so we’ve got beds full of...
…but there’s still work to do in the garden It’s windy, the forecast says the rain is going to get...
It’s cold and it’s wet but there’s still a lot to do in the Kitchen Garden at Vallum After a...
Rabbits. The very word makes this live-and-let-live gardener twitch with rage. It’s not that I hate them, but I hate what they do to the garden. A nibble here, a dig there and overnight your lovingly tended crops are fit only for compost. So when Ivan and I started work...
I once grew so many flowers on my allotment that the bad-tempered judge of the annual prize spikily remarked that...
One of my colleagues walked past the polytunnel the other day when I was planting out some winter herbs and...
In the garden, with Vicky Moffitt Our usual columnist, Caroline Beck, is up to her eyes in the garden today, which means you get me standing in for her. It’s howling a gale today and the Kitchen Garden is officially sodden. We have rivers flowing through one of the poly tunnels,...
It’s cold outside, but the hens are laying Hello again from Vallum in what’s been a very frosty month. Our gardener Caroline...
The cold snap hits the Kitchen Garden Can you believe the weather? Snow in May! Thank goodness Mark hadn’t planted...
It’s all rain in the Kitchen Garden It’s pouring down today – again! After the driest May on record we seem to have had more than our fair share of rain in June and the pesky slug is on the slither and after the strawberries! Mark (our grower) has been...