Ditch the diet!


Katy Foggin and Amanda Grieveson of Believe2Achieve, Newcastle, investigate the power of the mind to drive appetite and food choices

B2A was in London recently to spend a day with the guru of weight management, Paul McKenna.

We consider McKenna’s I Can Make You Thin programme a work of genius and the workshop in London was not just inspiring, but also simple common sense.

McKenna’s successful get-slim, stay-slim rules say: Eat whenever you’re hungry (yes, every time you’re hungry); eat what you want (not what you think you should); eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful; stop when you think your body is full. Who knew it could be so simple?

As McKenna has been saying for years, diets wreck your metabolism by starving you, so you are physiologically programmed to put on more than you lost once the diet is over.

When you embrace Mckenna’s brilliant programme, you eat like all naturally thin people do. Thin people don’t starve; they eat when they need to. They eat pizza, chocolate and chips, but in moderation because they aren’t shoving it in at top speed and overriding the signals to the brain which tell you that you’re full.

Slim people eat consciously, and you should, too. So, when you eat, sit at a table and eat, and only eat. No reading. No texting. No computer. No TV! Just sit down and eat, slowly, tasting every mouthful, putting your knife and fork down between every mouthful, noticing the tastes and textures of the food, chewing each mouthful at least 20 times.

When you eat consciously, you notice when you’re full, and you enjoy your food fully. Your body is already programmed to eat this way, so you will soon get used to it, and learn to enjoy your food and notice the hormone which tells you when you’re full.

If you haven’t tried McKenna’s programme, we suggest you do so. We are committed to lifelong lasting change, and so is he.

Katy Foggin and Amanda Grieveson of Believe2Achieve in Newcastle share some 30 years’ experience in health and nutrition. Believe2Achieve is the only clinic in the UK offering the combined benefits of Laserliposuction, personal training, massage and nutrition.

Believe2Achieve, The Heaton Clinic, 52 Heaton Road, Newcastle NE6 1SE
For more about Paul McKenna’s programmes, check out www.paulmckenna.com

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