Beetroot Pancakes with Eggs, Smoked Bacon & Maple Syrup

PancakesLeftServes 4

250g plain cooked beetroot
225g plain flour
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
30g butter, melted & cooled
1tbsp baking powder
pinch salt
1 tsp sugar
300ml milk
sunflower oil for shallow frying
To serve:
12 rashers smoked streaky bacon, cooked crisply
maple syrup, to taste
4 eggs, fried

Place the pancake ingredients in a food processor and blitz until smooth. Heat a little oil in a large frying pan. Pour ladles of the batter into the pan and cook until you see little bubbles on the surface (1-2 mins). Using a fish slice, flip over the pancakes and cook for a further minute or so. Transfer to a warm plate and cover tightly with foil. Continue until you have used all the batter. Serve hot with the eggs, bacon and maple syrup.

Apple Crepes
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