Richard & Stephen’s Scrambled Eggs


Richard & Stephen's Scrambled Eggs
  1. Take six large eggs, six tsps low-fat milk, 3 dashes of salt and 1 tbsp of butter for frying.
  2. Heat a large non-stick pan, whisk eggs with milk and salt and beat vigorously for 2 mins.
  3. Melt butter, add egg mix. Don’t stir until you see the first hint of setting.
  4. Now start the Martha Stewart scrambling technique – using a spatula or flat wooden spoon, push eggs toward centre while tilting pan to distribute runny parts.
  5. Continue as eggs set. Break large pieces as they form.
  6. When the push-to-centre technique is no longer cooking runny parts, flip over the eggs and allow to cook 15-25 secs longer.


The Egg Men
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