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Stuck in a rut in the kitchen? Jane Pikett suggests you go out and learn some new skills

When my aunt completed a series of Cordon Bleu courses during the 1970s with the sole aim of impressing her guests at her regular dinner parties (and us, naturally…) she was one of a minority.

Until recently, cookery courses were generally marketed at people like my aunt – serious dinner party cooks with plenty of time on their hands – and those planning to enter a career in the kitchen.

Yet in recent years we note a trend for cookery workshops and courses open to one and all, inspired by a diet of foodie telly and a glut of Christmas cookery books and smart kitchen kit.

All the top chefs are running them of course, but you don’t have to enrol in Jean Christophe Novelli’s smart Academy (nice as that would be), to join the trend.

The region has seen a growth of a fantastic variety of classes at all levels, from easy days out to advanced Cordon Bleu.

Bread making, baking, dinner party entertaining and kids’ workshops are all out there, and more.

Blackfriars Restaurant in Newcastle reports a huge increase in take-up for its growing programme of workshops which include bread-making, food and wine matching, school holiday cookery workshops, dinner party cooking and corporate kitchen team building sessions.

Blackfiars’ Little Monks and Smart Cookies Clubs cater for kids and teens, providing entertainment during the school holidays with the added bonus of guaranteeing they bring something home for tea.
Blackfriars’ Workshop events also include Chef’s Table for a seven-course feast cooked in front of the guests; the Ready Steady Cook team-building exercise; and A Day in the Kitchen, which is designed for budding chefs.

Meanwhile, at Northumberland Sausage Company (p33) you can do a half-day sausage-making course to learn what goes into the sausages, how to set up and use your own machine, select delicious flavours to put into your mix, make your sausages and then go home with a sausage-making machine and a list of ingredients so you can make your favourite sausages whenever you feel like it in the comfort of your own home. Who knew?

The course includes one machine and costs £150 for up to four adults. Plus, there are also group courses for £80 each.

For those of a sweeter tooth, there are various cake baking and decorating courses around the region.

We’re particularly taken with the offering at Ladybird Cakes in Tynemouth, where apart from being able to buy every conceivable bit of kit for any cake and then some, there are a series of day and evening courses in cake decorating
and sugarcraft.

Imagine – make your own sugar craft flowers in a day! Cordon Bleu’s had its day – we’re into sausages and sugarcraft. Just watch this space!
Try these for starters:

Ladybird Cakes, Tynemouth: Sugarcraft and baking tel 0191 257 1707,

Blackfriars, Newcastle: Various workshops for adults, children and young people, tel 0191 261 5945,

Northumberland Sausage Co, Wark, Northumberland: Sausage making
tel 01434 230 221

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