Pit Stop

Dean Bailey visits Mister Woods, Tynemouth for a Saturday coffee stop
As well as being filled with lots of hard work, Friday afternoons at appetite HQ mean planning our weekend treat, or treats if we’re lucky.

So, text sent, I await a response from my cycling-obsessed brunch partner, Mark. His response – ‘Meet me there – or cycle down with me if you fancy it?’ prompts hysterical laughter from our lady editor, aware that I haven’t been on a bike since I was 12, and I’m as likely to take up cycling as I am to turn down a giant slice of custard tart. So, I decline the offer of a borrowed bike and drive to Mister Woods, the buzzing coffee stop on Front Street, Tynemouth.

Here, I discover other loons in Lycra who have pedalled their way here, like my friend, who is cold and wet, but happy, or so he claims, though I doubt it.

‘It’s good for cyclists this place,” he declares, as we settle by the window with a view of the Priory and a distracting procession of dogs, including a spotty one which would have had the editor rushing out to say hello.

It’s an eclectic bunch this morning, with dog walkers, cyclists, and families, all looking happy with a drink and something sweet on this blustery morning. My latte goes down very nicely with a piece of triple toffee cake, while Mark’s fruit and nut traybake proves irresistible to both of us. His toffee-come-coffee concoction is topped with cream and is ‘just the sort of thing you need for a cycling day,’ whatever that means. There is also a bacon sandwich, which leads me to wonder what the point was of all that exercise on the way here, but I choose to keep quiet on the subject. It’s the weekend, after all, and we all deserve a treat now and again, don’t we?

Mister Woods, Front Street Tynemouth, NE30 4BT
tel 0191 257 5556
Also at North Shields and Whitely Bay

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