North East-born entrepreneur turned cookbook author Gill Heppell will launch her debut book – It’s NOT About The Silver – at an event at Newcastle’s Biscuit Factory on Friday October 20.
Gill – who was born in Gosforth, trained as a nurse in Leeds and built an award-winning career in the care and franchising industry in Nottingham – has turned a set of her mum’s recipes which are legendary amongst her family and friends into her debut book.
There are soups, snacks, main meals, cakes and desserts for all – accompanied by stories of family events – in this heart-warming tribute to Gill’s mother, from Low Fell, who passed away in 2022. There are also blank pages in the book, where readers can record their own family-favourite recipes and memories.
The book launch will take place at The Biscuit Factory, Newcastle on Friday October 20 at 7.30pm. To book a place at the launch – which will include refreshments and a chance to sample recipes from the book – or to buy a copy of It’s NOT About The Silver visit
You can also go direct to Eventbrite to book – Use code ‘GG-silver’ for free tickets.