The Grazer – How do you like them apples?

Apparently the weather this year has been designed perfectly for apples, I’m not sure exactly what perfect apple weather is; long cold winter, warm wet spring, hot summer, but they loved it.

apple-cardamom-tartEvery tree in the allotment is laden with fruit; my little trees that produced five or six apples last year have hundreds on them. I’ve picked huge bags full and you can’t even tell I’ve taken any.

I’m not quite sure what to do with them all, though I’m reading up on how to store them and other general apple facts.

Apple and squash salad with Manchego and toasted seeds

It’s ‘Apple Day’ on October 21; an annual celebration of apple, orchards and local distinctiveness. Apple picking time is a huge community celebration in some areas, and I’ve learnt that in the American Midwest it is a very popular dating ritual. Not sure much apple dating goes on in Newcastle?

I fancy trying my hand at cider making at some point, but I don’t have the right equipment at the moment, so will just have to make do with cooking, baking, pickling and preserving.

Chutneys are an obvious one, and I’ve made a lovely one in the past – rich, sweet and spicy – but I’ve never quite been able to replicate it.

If you’re having similar apple problems, here are some ideas and there are more on my blog, including apple, blackberry and lemon cobbler and steamed apple pudding with black pepper and clotted cream. Roast apple butter sounds good, too, and apple and lemon curd, and apple gin. I’d better get started!

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