From blowing bubbles to international success for Sunderland-based business

A device which adds an extra wow factor to cocktails has taken the international market by storm after being inspired by a childhood of blowing bubbles.

Flavour Blaster Pro, which creates a smoke-filled fragrant bubble on the top of drinks, can be found at some of the world’s top bars and at celebrity parties.

Its success – which has seen it exported to more than 40 countries – is the result of a collaboration between hospitality entrepreneur Colin Myers and manufacturing guru Robert Flunder, who came up with the initial concept to add theatricality to the drinking experience.

Flavour Blaster creators Colin Myers (left) and Robert Flunder

Australian-born Colin – who previously worked in the bar and leisure industry in the UK – spent four years helping to develop the product, which he describes as “an inner child gadget”. The final creation was the culmination of a fascination with the concept of edible bubbles which use authentic aromas rather than synthetic flavours.

“I’d always had a concept in my head about edible bubbles,” said Colin, who runs the business from a former printworks in Sunderland. “It started to develop when the vaping craze started. We could see a way to use that kind of technology to develop something that would give a wow factor to the food and drink industry.”

The Flavour Blaster Pro has since become a huge hit and is being used in some of the world’s most prestigious bars and clubs.

Clients include The Alchemist chain and the world-famous Maybe Sammy bar in Sydney as well as several locations in the US, while the device is also playing a key role in the immersive experience at Johnny Walker in Edinburgh.

“The reception it has had since day one has been phenomenal,” said Colin. “It’s a real showstopper which has had a huge impact.”

The team works alongside a New York-based company to prepare its aromas, which are distilled from fruits, herbs and spices.

The success of the Flavour Blaster Pro led to the recent launch of a mini version for home use, while the 15-strong staff and R&D team are working on a number of other new products.

“Since day one, the Flavour Blaster has just caught everyone’s imagination,” said Colin. “It’s the ultimate in theatrical mixology.”

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