Anna Hedworth’s baked eggs with wild garlic and chilli and sage butter


Heat a frying pan with a little olive oil, add a few large handfuls of spinach, a handful of rocket, some torn wild garlic and a pinch of salt and wilt until all the water has bubbled away. When it is ready, scoop it all into an oven- proof bowl and make two little wells, crack a free-range egg into each and bake in the oven at 150C/Gas2 for
10-15 mins until the egg whites are cooked.

While the eggs are cooking, mix up a few tablespoons of yoghurt with a pinch of salt and half a clove of crushed garlic, then melt about 20g of butter, add ½ tsp chilli flakes and a few shredded sage leaves. Cook for a few minutes until it bubbles.

When the eggs are ready, dollop on the yoghurt and then pour the spicy sage butter over everything. It makes a delicious little brunch or lunch. The eggs are soft and runny with lovely wilted greens, a tangy fresh yoghurt and warm spicy buttery juices mingling into everything.

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