Aubergines Sautées aux Canneberges (Sautéed aubergine & cranberries)

Aubergines Sautées aux Canneberges (Sautéed aubergine & cranberries)
Serves: 4
  • 3 aubergines
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • ½ bulb garlic
  • 6 cardamom pods
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin rapeseed oil
  • crushed black pepper to taste
  • 50ml water
  • 2 Golden Delicious apples cored, peeled, diced
  • ½ tsp cumin seeds
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 150g fresh cranberries
  • 1 lemon, juice of
  • 1 tsp peanut oil (or 1 tsp rapeseed oil)
  • 1 sprig fresh mint, roughly torn
  1. Wash the aubergines, trim off stalks, cut into quarters lengthways and dice into approx 4 pieces across the lengths. Add to a large dry hot sauté pan and cover with a lid for
  2. mins. Strain the liquid from the pan and pat aubergines with a tea towel to remove excess liquid. Return pan with aubergines to the heat and add rosemary, garlic and cardamom pods and shake the pan. Add rapeseed oil and black pepper and stir. Add a little water to the hot
  3. pan (50ml max, which will boil immediately it hits the pan) cover and cook for 5-8 mins until aubergines are cooked but not soggy. Pour everything from the pan into a bowl and cover with clingfilm. Using the same pan on a high heat, add apples, cumin and honey and stir thoroughly. Add cranberries as the colour of the apples starts to change. Reduce the heat and cover with a lid and simmer for approx 15 mins until the fruit is soft enough to crush. Remove pan from the heat and lightly crush apple and cranberries. Drizzle in the peanut oil (or rapeseed oil). Taste the apple mixture - if too sweet, add a little lemon juice. To serve, roughly tear the mint leaves and add to the apple mix. Stir briefly then re-introduce the aubergines to the pan. Heat gently for a short while, turn out into a nice serving dish and serve.


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