Just Desserts

Summer loving... Choc and cherry crostada
Summer loving... Choc and cherry crostada

Thanks to Caffe Vivo, Broad Chare, Newcastle, for this gorgeous recipe for Chocolate and Cherry Crostada

Serves 4

Chocolate Batter

135g Icing sugar

30g Plain flour

8g Cocoa powder

30g Ground almonds

75g Unsalted butter

100g Egg whites

16 Fresh cherries, stoned

Sift the icing sugar, flour, cocoa powder and ground almonds into a large bowl.

Heat the butter in a small saucepan over a medium heat until it foams and turns a nut- brown colour. Remove from the heat and whisk into the sifted flour and almond mixture. Then whisk in    the egg whites.

Grease four 8cm stainless steel dessert rings and cover the base of each with kitchen foil.

Place 4 stoned cherries in the base of each ring and fill three-quarters full with batter.

Bake at 180˚C for approx 25 mins until well risen and cooked through

Cherry Compote

125g Cherries, stoned

20ml Maraschino liquer

20g Caster sugar

40ml Water

Place cherries in a saucepan with the sugar, Maraschino and water. Simmer gently until the cherries are tender. Serve warm


Turn warm cakes into the centre of dessert plates, spoon a little cherry compote over and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

City Chicks
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